If you know someone who’s in an unplanned pregnancy, this page is for you.

1. Offer listening and compassion first.
Women need understanding and the opportunity to be heard. It’s easy to offer a solution to every problem, but harder just to listen. So, give her the freedom to express every emotion without judgment. Tell her that you care and want to support her.

2. Is she really pregnant?
Has a doctor confirmed a viable, intrauterine pregnancy? This means the fetus is implanted in the uterus, not the fallopian tubes and has a heartbeat. Just because a pregnancy test is positive, doesn’t mean the pregnancy is healthy. About 1 out of every 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage. At ComfortCare, women receive an ultrasound to confirm that the pregnancy is located where it needs to be and that the fetus has a heartbeat. The ultrasound can also determine how far along she is.

3. Does she know her pregnancy options?
“Pregnancy options” can seem like funny words to someone in an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes it feels like there are no options at all. Many women feel pushed or pressured into one decision. At ComfortCare, professional nurses and trained peer advocates can discuss any pregnancy option. Facts replace fears. Women are empowered with truth and support.

4. Has she been tested for STI’s?
STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Infections) affect any pregnancy decision. For instance, a woman who has Chlamydia at the time of her abortion, has a 25% chance of contracting PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) within 4 weeks of the procedure. PID is dangerous because it can cause damage to the effected reproductive organs. If left untreated, it can escalate into serious medical complications. If a woman decides to carry the pregnancy to term, untreated STI’s can be transferred to the baby during delivery. All women should be tested for STI’s regardless of their pregnancy decision. At ComfortCare, limited STI testing is conducted without charge.